
what the hell with you,what is up with you

what the hell you say 2023-11-23 13:26 960 墨鱼
what the hell you say

what the hell with you,what is up with you

所以老外说“You're so salty”,意思是“你为这点事就生气,太小心眼了吧!”【例句】1. What the hell is wrong with you? You are so salty today! 你今天吃错药了?火气这么大。what the hell歌词You, say that I'm messing with your head 你说我让你感觉很糟糕All cause I was making out with your friend 因为我和你的朋友亲热Love hurts, whethe

⊙0⊙ –Hell no! 不想,超级不想。2)What the hell也表示「不在乎」假如你明天就要考试了,这时候一个朋友过来问你:–You want to go to the bar tonight? 今晚要去酒吧喝一杯吗?–What不可以,意思是你怎么了,左边是指遇到什么大的困难,右边是指遇到小的问题

what the hell 的用法hell 作名词,意为“地狱,苦难的经历”,常用来形容一种极度艰苦困难的状态或经历或令人不快的地方,例如:Work is sheer hell at the moment.目前工I don't care what my father thinks! I only care about you.我不在乎爸爸怎么想我只在意你You don't have a choice. I will follow you你没得选 若走到那一步..to the

完全正确的翻法!what the hell───(用以加强语气或咒骂)究竟,到底;表示不在乎、无可奈何、气恼、不耐烦等)究竟,到底hell with───见鬼去吧what is the matter with you───你怎么了

●▂● To Hell With You / 歌手:TheUnisex 「What The Hell」歌∶Avril Lavigne You say that I'm messing with your head All 'cause I was making out with your 天喜_新浪博客What the hell did you see that? 我靠,你看到了吗?What the hell is wrong with you?我靠,你到底怎么了…blog.sina.cn|基于7个网页2. 你他妈的怎么


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