

用chance造句 2023-09-25 21:45 434 墨鱼


hear造句复制1、Did youhearhim go out?(你听到他出去了吗? 2、I couldheargunfire.(我可以听到炮声。3、People flocked tohearhim speak.(人们成群结队地去听他演讲。hear 造句如下:vt.1. 听,听到,听见:I heard someone coming.我听见有人来了。Can you hear me?你能听见我说话吗?2. 听说,闻知,获悉:I hear he has come back

一般将来Which judge will hear the case ?哪位法官将审问这个案件?

(ˉ▽ˉ;) hear一般不用于进行时1、he could hear someone moving around in the room above. 他能听到楼上屋里有人走动。2、it was three weeks later that he heard the news. 三个星期之后他才听到这个

∩△∩ hear造句简单1、Hear, hear! What an absurd idea! 2、Destroyer rand preserver; hear, o hear! 3、Hear! hear! Silence!" resounded from all sides.ta4、Destroyer and 11、Hear the wind blow, Dear,hearthe wind blow. 12、You know I canhearit,hearit, the souls. 13、Did youhearit, grandmother? 14、Ihearsome cosines. I

(^人^) hear用英语怎么造句【一】1 . 新中国如世界巨龙屹立东方。2 . 姥姥脸上的皱纹像湖面上的涟漪漾开来。3 . 学习方法的正确与否,对于提高成绩水平有着重要的意义。4 . 他明明答应Icon'thearyou.Thenoisecanbeheardclealy.

>﹏< hear英语造句,1、Call out the numbers so that we can hear them at the back.大声地把数字报出来,这样我们在后面也能听到。2、All this meant ihear [hiə] vt. 1.听,听到,听见:I heard someone coming. 我听见有人来了. Can you hear me? 你能听见我说话吗?2.听说,闻知,获悉:I


标签: 用handsome造句



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