
l see your monsters的歌翻译,英文歌曲monsters歌词

i see you歌词翻译 2023-02-24 17:56 869 墨鱼
i see you歌词翻译

l see your monsters的歌翻译,英文歌曲monsters歌词

部分的中英文对照歌词有:I see your monsters I see your pain我明白你的恐惧和痛苦Tell me your problems I'll chase them away让我分担你的忧虑,我会安抚好你I'll be your ligh这首歌是Katie Sky演唱的《Monsters》以下是歌词:Monsters - Katie Sky Lyrics by:Catherine Cheadle/The Tune Park I see your monsters I see your pain T

see your monsters 我瞧到您内心的怪兽时I'll stand there so brave 我会勇敢地站出来And chase them all away 将它们全部赶走In the dark we we 我们在黑暗中We stand a1:I see your monsters,I see your pain. 我看到你内心的野兽,我看到你的痛苦。2:Tell me your problems,I will chase them away. 告诉我你的烦恼,我会把它们都赶走。3:I will b

NkymLM 关注英文歌曲I see you monsters…找了好久的英文歌!2021-08-18 共10+ 条评论登录查看更多评论中英文歌词I see your monsters我看到你内心的恐惧I see your pain看到你的痛苦Tell me your problems告诉我你的困惑I'll chase them away我会把它们赶走I'll be your lighthouse

When I see your monsters 当我看到隐藏于你心底的恶魔I’ll stand there so brave 我会为你挺身而出And chase them all away 让它们彻底消失In the dark w1、I see your monsters 我看到你心里的野兽I see your pain 我看到你的痛苦Tell me your problems 告诉我你的麻烦I’ll chase them away 我会把它们赶走I’ll be your lightho


标签: 英文歌曲monsters歌词



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