
ought to do,was going to do

sought to 2023-09-30 21:57 655 墨鱼
sought to

ought to do,was going to do

网络释义1. 应该做某事(大纲版)考试大纲词汇解析_免费教案_当知网other than 除了ought to dosth.应该做某事between ourselves 你我之间…beike.dangzhi|基ought to do sth表示将来应该做某事,没有ought do这个说法,ought to have done:1.(表示从已知情况推测某事已经发生,但不确定)应该;2.(与过去分词连用,表示

ought to do sth

ought是应该的意思ought to do sth是一固定搭配,应该去做某事" 结果一题目ought to do sth 是什麽意思答案ought是应该的意思ought to do sth是一固定搭配,"应该去做"ought to do sth" 的解释是"应该做某事",它强调了一种道德义务或责任感。在许多情况下,它也是一种建议或期望。近义词"ought to do sth" 的近义词包括"should do sth"、

ought to do和should do的区别

ought to do 英美应该做的网络释义应该做;产生当为;应该留在组织;应该完成的;应当做;当为;应该做某事;常用牛津中考高考四级六级考研影视原声常用双语例ought to是一个比较奇怪的情态动词,因为其他所有情态动词都后接动词原形,而ought to虽然也是后接动词原形,但却无意中构成了ought to do sth结构,其中的to do sth便是一个

ought to doing

应该应当翻译为ought to do。示例:Somebody ought to do something about it. 总有人得做点什么Somebody ought to do something about it. 来源:英语自学简明词典英语网络翻译,ought是应该的意思ought to do sth是一固定搭配,"应该去做某事"


标签: was going to do



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