
haveapoint例句,not only but only造句

in that例句 2023-08-26 13:31 698 墨鱼
in that例句

haveapoint例句,not only but only造句

21、例句:Inthepresenceofsomanypeoplehewaslittletense,whichwasunderstandable.在那么多人面前他有点紧张,这是可以理解的。22、常见的形式有这几种情况:2访问沪江小D查看have a point的更多详细解释> 参考例句To the point切中要害,切题Analyze point by point条分缕晰To the purpose; to the point合乎目的;切题;中肯The p

∩0∩ 2.ihavereachedapointinmylife___iamsupposedtomakedecisionsofmyown. a.whichb.wherec.howd.why *b 3.aftergraduationshereachedapointinhercareersheneededthave a point用法Haveapoint是英语中常用的一个短语,意为“有一个观点、意见或建议”。这个短语通常用于表达自己或他人的观点,强调其合理性和可信度。在口语和书面语中都很

明智地;聪明地Pleaseusewhatyouhavewisely.attentionto注意;关注第二单元mooncaken.月饼ChinesepeopleeatmooncakesontheMid-AutumnFestival.lanternn.灯笼Thereisanicelanternshowihave a point 的相关例句  共找到120条have a point相关的例句1. Always haveapoint and don't be afraid to express it confidently. 永远要有自己的观点.不要怕自信地表

大学体验英语have a piece of cake 吃一块蛋糕(4L)have a point有点道理(5L) have a question to ask 有问题要问(4A) media.bnude.cn|基于5个网页更多释义例句例句That's true. You have a point there. 没错,你说的很对。I think he might have a point. 我觉得他可能说的没错。Do you have a point? 你有重点吗?对

你好,因为后面有动词seem,一个句子里不能同时有两个动词。这里的do是起强调作用,相当于“的确”You do seem to have a point,你确实像有观点,you是第二人称,Yes, you may well have a point there.是的,在这点上你很可能说得有道理。权威例句The Government Needs to Argue the Case for Fair Taxation and Public Spending; the


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