

say造句简单一点 2023-08-28 22:03 131 墨鱼


help sb to do sth造句【一】1 . Justdoit 2 . 奶奶看到围在身边的一大家人,心满意足地闭上了眼睛。3 . 处处留心学问。4 . 句子造句:5 . 小明今天考试得关于agree to do sth造句简单,agree to do sth这个很多人还不知道,今天小六来为大家解答以上的问题,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、I agree to go hiking with hi

help do sth造句

help sb do sth造句help sb do sth造句help sb do sth 帮助某人做某事例句:He helps me clean the classroom.他帮我打扫教室. Sometimes I help my mother do the cookingWhy didn't you ask for help, rather than trying to do it on your own? 你干吗非得自己干,而不请人帮忙To determine risk, doctors can ask their patien


can't help but to do但对but来说前面有do后面就无to I could not but tell him about it.这个句子可以吧She could not help but leave there.Seeing her husbandhelp的用法:可以是help sb do sth 也可以是help sb to do sth。这里的to可以省略。希望我的答案对你有帮助用helpsbdotodosth造句1. It helps me to know that other women hav


一、try造句简单四年级?1、I don't know if I can come but I'll try.我不知道是否能来,但我尽可能来。2、What are you trying to do?你想要做什么?3、I trilearn to do sth句型造句【一】1 . Sounds good But I like to draw,too听起来不错。但我也喜欢画画。2 . 过去两年来,我一直忙着准备考试。3 . 到目前为止

help sb do sth造句简单

1、Sometimes I help my mother do the cooking.有时候我帮我母亲做饭。2、He helped me find my watch.他帮我找到百度试题结果1 题目用help to do sth造句相关知识点:试题来源:解析l help my mother to do housework. 反馈收藏


标签: help怎么造句



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