
stop doing的例句,stop doing与stop to do例句

stop to do something造句 2023-09-26 21:40 316 墨鱼
stop to do something造句

stop doing的例句,stop doing与stop to do例句

高中英语常用词组stop doing 释义:stop doing 停止做;停下正在做的事情;停止正在或经常做的事例句:If it hurts you, then you have to stop doing it. 如果做这件事让你解析They stop to have a rest. They stop working. 考查知识点:stop to do/stop doing的用法They stop to have a rest.注释:stop to do:停下某事去做另一件事.They stop w

stop doing 停下来手头正在做的事(不做了)5.try to do努力做某事(联想try one's best to do )try doing尝试做某事6.mean to do打算做某事mean doing意味着做某事7.go on to stop doing停止正在做的事例句:1、we stopped talking when the teacher came in. 2、Stop playing !Let's begin our class. 3、Stop smoking!It's forbidden. 4、stop play

1、Stop to do sthstop doing sth.(停下之前做的事,开始另一件。2、a stop sb. from doing sth.(也是阻止某人做某事的意思。3、Knock it off, it used to tstop doing sth.使用例句I stopped reading the book when my mother asked me to have supper. 当妈妈叫我去吃晚饭时,我停止了读书。分析:句中”我'的动作是“stopped reading",

1.stop to do sth停下来做某事(停下来去做另一件事情)——stop doing sth停止做某事(停止手上正在做的事情)。例如:I'm tired. Let's stop to have a rest.我累了,咱们停下来stop to do意思:停止正在做的事,去做别的事。例如:We stoped to help him.我们停止了手中的事,转而帮助他。stop doing意思:是停止做某事,例如。例如:When they


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