
take up a position造句简单,institution造句简单

insist on造句 2023-09-25 12:20 368 墨鱼
insist on造句

take up a position造句简单,institution造句简单

CanItakeyouuponyourofferofameal? 我能接受你请客的邀请吗?8.支援,帮助,保护(某人) 例如:Theyoungsopranowastakenupbythefamousconductor. 那位年轻的女高1. 采取某种立场Position take up a position占据(易于攻守的)适当位置;[喻]采取某种立场[态度] take up the position that 主张,认为zhidao.baidu|基于7

It's also not the time to take a new position, hire help, close on a house, or make any other big life decisions-not yet! 也不要在此期间接受新的职位,雇佣帮手,买卖1、take upthe slack 2、take upan appointment 3、Totake upby adsorption. 4、take upa defensive posture 5、take up(=assume) this mission 6、accept [ta

After the hasty meal, the men had moved forward to take up their positions.匆匆忙忙吃过饭后,大家走出来,各就各位。of a hunting dog)take up a position with the boI moved to New York to take up a position at The New Yorker.───我接受《纽约客》The New Yorker)的一份职位搬到了纽约。It is understood that no talks have taken

单词take up the position 例句大全,用单词take up the position造句:However, in Chinese, an adjective can alsotake up the positionof predicate. 然而在汉语中,形容词1.He left to take up a new position with another company.他走了,在另一家公司谋得了一个新职位。2.He's going out to korea soon to take up an important po

∩△∩ take up a position 重复播放占据(易于攻守的)适当位置[喻]采取某种立场[态度] 看、听、说Backup, backup, backup! 退后,退后,退后, Takeit with you 带着它吧Getup! 站take up造句:He takes up his career by selling newpaper.他的事业开始于卖报纸。The box takes up much room in my study.箱子在我书房占据了很大空间。I'd like to take up y


标签: institution造句简单



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