
on the country,what's worse

in the country和in country 2023-11-28 22:40 299 墨鱼
in the country和in country

on the country,what's worse

是on the contrary 吧~这个就是相反的意思onthecontrary及与ontheotherhand辨析【知识点解析】一、onthecontrary的基本用法onthecountry有正相反,恰恰相反的意思。为副词短语,可放在句中的任何位置,句首、句中、句末,也可用逗号与

∪﹏∪ country n. 1.[C]国,国家2.[the country]【单】全国人民,全民;乡下,乡村,田野3.[U]地区,区域(尤指带有某种地形或地势的) 4.[U][尤指美国]乡村与西部音乐live …之生命的live adj. 1.有生命Today, we are holding the 28th press conference under the theme of “China in the past decade.”We have invited Mr. Zhan Chengfu, vice minister of

●△● on the country 在国家如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮那为什么不能用on country, on home, on school? 如果用on的话怎么翻译呢?那就变成了on country,on home, on school。如果是这样,别忘了on是在之上。翻译成

The 36、I come straight to you. 我直接来找你。37、on the country正好相反40、Don't worry about that. 别担心那件事。hi.baidu|基于1 个网页例句On the country, 还是in the country. 哪些时候用on哪些时候用in是沪江提供的学习资料,沪江是专业的互联网学习平台,致力于提供便捷优质的网络学习产品,在线课程和服务。


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