
make a mess造句,protein造句

out of place造句 2023-09-26 17:42 218 墨鱼
out of place造句

make a mess造句,protein造句

make sense有道理,合情理,有讲得通,有意义make sense to sb对某人来说有意义make…into films把…制成电影make a mess弄/搞得一团糟,弄乱make after追赶,追逐make soup做make a mess造句复制1、Make some jam if you want to, but don'tmake a messin the kitchen.(你如果愿意就做些果酱,不过别把厨房弄得一团糟。2、She told/asked/warned

makeamess咋造句_作业帮1.Our mothers sat us down to read and paint,when all we really wanted to do was to make a mess.\x09我们的母亲让我们坐下来读书和画画,而我。bathro3、make a messin one's office; create a furor. 4、You alwaysmake a messwherever you go. 5、Lumpy likes tomake a mess just like Roo. 6、As a resul

make a mess of英语造句,1、You make a mess of everything全都让你搞砸了。2、You make a mess of everything.全都让你搞砸了。3、He managed to makeYou shouldn't make a mess in your room.你不应该在你的房间里乱扔乱放东西。She says pets can make a mess of the house.她说动物能把屋子弄的一团糟。

2.make a mess of or create disorder in; He messed up his room 法律1.大锅饭-mess 1 . 军用食堂热门文章Missile equipped destroyer 导弹驱逐舰MeThings here arein a messalready. don't make it worse. 这里已经够乱乎的了,你别再来添乱啦。His desk is alwaysin a mess. 他的办公桌总是乱七八糟的。After divorce,


标签: protein造句



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