

sneak造句 2023-09-24 10:05 629 墨鱼


We base this call on grounds of social justice andequity. 我们基于社会正义和公平发出这一呼吁。柯林斯高阶英语词典The investment in the privateequitycompany shoul5、equitycapital turnover 6、preferred stockholderequity 7、But whichequityyield? 8、Equity loan loan in the form ofequityparticipation. 9、SOEequit

Equity ['ekwɪtɪ] or ['ɛkwəti] 解释:(noun.) the ownership interest of shareholders in a corporation. (noun.) the difference between the market value of a prop3. They applied for a home equity loan to send their son to college. 为了送他们的儿子上大学他们申请了以房屋为抵押资产的贷款。4. 4. The company awards its employe

英文例句大全为您提供equity英文例句大全,词语equity造句,关于equity的句子,equity怎么造句,equity英文例句大全有哪些,哪些句子是关于equity,equity的句子,equity如何造句,描equity[ˈekwiti] 意思:n. 公正,公平equity例句(自然匹配,仅供参考) 例句:They shared the work of the house withequity. 翻译:他们公平地分担家务。例句:To capture hisequity, Murphy must e

Equity will not suffer a wrong to be without a remedy. 衡平法不容许违法者逍遥法外。We base this call on grounds of social justice and equity. 我们基于社会正义和权威造句1. To capture hisequity, Murphy must either sell or refinance. 要获得资产净值,墨菲必须出售或者重新融资。来自柯林斯例句2. They shared the work of the ho


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