

get短语归纳大学 2022-12-25 08:56 805 墨鱼


listen to sth,强调听的动作;hear sth 强调听见的内容go home get home in the morning morning TV in the afternoon at noon do homework do one’s homework start to doget的短语:get in there 1. (非正式)采取积极行动(以实现目标)(常用于劝戒) 你要积极行动,孩子,而且要真干。you get in there son, and you work. get it on 1. (非正式)开

out短语put out 扑灭sell out 卖光take out 取出work out 解决blow out 吹灭point out 指出get out 出去;离开go out 出去;熄灭hand out 分发;发放hang out 闲荡;闲逛run out 今天给大家介绍的是关于get的英语短语,一起来学习吧!get at:暗示What are yougetting at? =What do you mean? 你是什么意思?get away with:做了(坏事或错事)而未受(惩罚或批评)

含有“get”的动词短语1.get to 到达;开始;对…的情感)产生影响All right - let's get to work. 好吧,让我们开始工作。Don't let their pettiness and neg短语是由句法、语义和语用三个层面上能够搭配的语言单位组合起来的没有句调的语言单位,又叫词组。它是大于词而又不成句的语法单位。下面为大家带来了关于“get”的20个英语短语,欢

\ _ / 超级实用,与get 相关的动词短语Hello everyone, and welcome back to English with Lucy.大家好,欢迎回到跟着Lucy 学英语。I've got a very long awaited video for you.我为10. get out (1)出来,离开,退出ex1. Because of the rain I can’t get out. ex2. When I knew they were planning something criminal, I got out at the first time. (2)拿出,取


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