

用freeze造句 2023-11-17 20:39 838 墨鱼


glaze造句复制1、Then again, all that is necessary for tedium to triumph is for fascinating men to let their eyesglazeover and nod.(接着像往常一样,想要把无聊推到bright glaze的造句和例句:1. Ivory porcelainware is made from finest raw materials and fired in advanced germany - made kiln , which has high transparency and bri

 ̄□ ̄|| glaze 显示所有例句v. 1. [i] ~ (over) (眼睛)变呆滞,发呆if a person's eyesglaze orglaze over , the person begins to look bored or tired 2. [t] ~ sth 给…安装玻璃tA glaze of ice on the road is dangerous. 路上有一层薄冰是危险的。I know how to glaze a window. 我知道怎么给窗装玻璃。Shake jar then apply with a glaze fan brush

The glaze of the table was scratched. 桌子的釉面被刮坏了。Tang three-color glaze horses are famous for their perfect design and realism. 唐三彩上釉马以其造型精美glazeds的造句和例句:1. glaze has been used from ancient times in egypt . 埃及自古代起就使用釉料。2. The earthen pot is glazed inside . 瓦罐里面挂了一层釉子。内

1、glazea doughnut;glazepottery. 2、tortoise-shell spotglaze 3、trimming glass-glazepotentiator 4、Their eyesglazeover. 5、glaze-film potentiator 6gaze有盯着看的意思,多用于近视眼的人看东西的那种,比较滑稽. They stopped arguing and glared at each other. 他们停止了争论,相互怒视着对方. She gave the rude man a glare. 1.盯,凝视[(+at/

单词Glaze 例句大全,用单词Glaze造句:A fine crack in a surface orglaze. 表面的裂缝With its simple forms, absence of decoration and fineglaze, Ru ware is perfectly1、A lot of peopleˈs eyes glaze over if you say you are a feminist. 如果你说你是女权主义者,好多人都会愣住。来源:**【点此进秒词邦小程序】查看更多真题例句回到顶部


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