
用learn about造句,用at the end of造句

用guess what造句 2023-09-24 18:03 488 墨鱼
用guess what造句

用learn about造句,用at the end of造句

16、I would love to learn Chinese and someday have a beautiful Chinese wife that wants to travel the world andlearn aboutother cultures. 17、It is plearn about sth造句简单【一】1 . 注意那些动词:找一处你喜欢的段落(一页散文),然后研究下每个句子里的动词。2 . 那就是我们喜欢去买的那些稀有和精致的商品。3 . 我们的学校的

You can even take it a step further and learn about one of your loved ones' interests. 你甚至可以做得更进一步,好好研究下自己的某一兴趣爱好。snailol 10. O用learn造句1. I am eager to learn new languages. 2. It's important to learn from our mistakes. 3. She decided to learn how to play the piano. 4. We can learn a l

类型英语造句1、Kids should learn to understand andcare about their parents.(孩子应该学会理解和关心他们的父母。2、What do youcare about school?(上学能有什么关系?17、To learn about logic more we need toknow aboutproposition, propositional operators and propositional operators. 18、What I onlyknow aboutmoralit

1.learn about 1.学习获得2.得知有关的消息2.be scared to do sth.做某事吓得要死3.too to 太.以至于(不能)4.make a poster learn about造句1. I want to learn about different cultures and traditions from around the world. 2. My friend is always eager to learn about new technologies and


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