
the best is yet to come的用法,kind regards

come up 2023-12-30 16:30 741 墨鱼
come up

the best is yet to come的用法,kind regards

used to 用来表示过去常常做某事而现在不了,所以应把后半句改为:but now he is not doing so. 44. I needn’t come yesterday because all the work had been 3. Get to the inside yet? No, not yet. 翻译:还没有。4. – No, no, no, not yet! Dad! 翻译:不不不,等一下,老爸!。5. – The best is yet to come! 翻译:

•The most exciting part is yet to come。最激动人心的一刻还没到来. 6.[always + adv/prep] to reach a particular level or place够到,达到〔某一高度或位置〕+ up/dowthe best is yet to come意思是:最好的尚未来临;最好的都还没来;最好的还在后头副词:1、yet用于否定句和疑问句

在英文中,“yet to come”常被用来描述即将发生的动作、事件或经历。它可以用于谈论不确定时间下将要完成的任务、安排、计划以及其他未来性质的事情。例如:1. The best is yworst用法例句1、The worst of the storm is yet to come. 最猛烈的暴风雨就要来了。2、This policy, they say, is at best confused and at worst non-exis

1. The better part of the show is yet to come. 好戏还在后头。2. The worst is yet to come. 好戏还在后头呢。3. What with the past has gone, the besOur best is yet to come. We are winning our games but we still want to reach the peak of our massive potential. 英美我们最佳的状态还没到。虽然我们


标签: kind regards



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