

annoyed造句 2023-09-24 21:12 187 墨鱼


Forgive my carelessness.请你原谅我的粗心大意Forgive my rudeness.请原谅我的失礼I's no use It's no use devoting any more time to this question.我认为在类型英语造句1、forgive me, but I've sinned. I lied.(请原谅我,我有罪,我说谎了。2、Think about the situation, validate the circumstances, andforgive yourself for

主页>造句>英语造句> forgive造句,forgive例句1、I'll neverforgiveyou、我永远不原谅你。2、He is not a man whoforgives easily、他不是一个轻易宽恕人的人。3、We f1、Please,forgive mefor caprice! 2、Pleaseforgive me, Susan, but 3、He' llforgive mesomeday. 4、And throughout all Eternity.I forgive you, youfor

forgive造句1、I choose to forgive my ancestors and you and all others participating in this dance forevermore.我选择永远宽恕我的祖先以及你和所有其他参与这个舞蹈的37.Forgiveus our trespasses. 赦免我们的罪吧。- 来源-- 英汉- 短句参考好评(10)差评() 38.Let'sforgiveand forget. 让我们摈弃前嫌-- 来源-- 英汉- 翻译样例- 口语

forgive造句31、Sometimes, we are willing toforgivea person, not really willing toforgivehim, but not willing to lose him. 32、Silently keep repeatiforgive造句1、I can't forgive myself for the mistake I made. 我无法原谅自己犯下的错误。2、He was so sorry that I couldn't help forgiving him. 他非常抱歉,我不得

Sorry of you can'tforgiveme . 如果不能得到您的谅解,则不胜抱歉。In the name of our love,forgiveme ! 看在我们爱情的份儿上,宽恕我吧!It was most generous of you tof2. I do hope you'll forgive me but I've got to leave. 我真的非常抱歉,我得走了。3. The American Congress has agreed to forgive Egypt's military debt. 美国国会同意免除


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