

请的英文 2023-11-01 16:15 646 墨鱼


˙﹏˙ 4.道歉Sorry for my late reply. Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I apologize for the late response(当你自己回复晚了,这些都很常用) Sorry it's been so long sDear[name]: I'm writing to apologize for the delay in[description of the project]. We had a problem with[description of problem]. We are currently w

常用的英文道歉用语I won't do it again. 我下次不会了。I believe you.我相信你。It's my fault. sorry, please forgive me.是我的错,对不起,请原谅。This isPara 1: 简短重述自己做错的事,并诚挚表示歉意。Para 2: 说明道歉的具体原因,态度诚恳,可以提出补救方法。Para 3: 再次表达歉意,请求对方谅解。常用句式:1. I am writing this

【道歉用语】1. Excuse me.(常用来事前道歉。如:向别人打听情况或打断别人的讲话等。2. Sorry. / I’m sorry. / Sorry to call you so late. / Sorry to have kept you wa日常生活中使用频率比较多的语言很多,“道歉”一定是其中之一。如何用英语根据场合和情况表达道歉呢?除了跟“sorry”相关的词之外,还有哪些地道的道歉用语呢?

⊙ω⊙ General apologies 一般道歉用语1. Excuse me. 请原谅。2. I’m so sorry. 很抱歉。3. I’m awfully sorry. 非常抱歉。4. I’m terribly sorry about that. 为此我非常抱而英文里Hong Kong和China经常各有所指,这背后既有语言上的习惯问题,也掺杂了殖民史和特区地位带来的

还想了解哪方面的英语表示,欢迎留言告诉小编哦~-1️⃣道歉🙇‍♀️2⃣️解释发生了的事情3⃣️保证将来不会再发生了4⃣️最后,再次道歉-职场英文邮件常用语将持续更新,Emai这样写就1. I apologize for that.我为此道歉。2. i’m so sorry. 很抱歉. 3. sorry to disturb you again. 抱歉,又来打扰你. 4. i didn’t mean it that way. 事情


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