

does后面跟have还是has 2023-03-30 11:28 735 墨鱼


Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 8. A) The number of ducks has declined sharply in recent years. B) Climate change has little have用于第一人称(i,we),第二人称(you),及第三人称复数(they);has用于第三人称单数(he,she,it)或单数名词。have用在第一人称和第二人称中,它的基本的涵义是

⊙^⊙ google.hk 请收藏我们的网址ICP证合字B2-20070004号A.When; have had B.When; were having C.While; are having D.While; have 12.—Where is your brother? —He has gone to Beijing.He___back in three days. A.will come Bes

?△? have一般在主语是I,you或主语是复数的时候用,而has在主语是he,she的时候用。have 用于主语是非第三人称单数:如:we/ they/ you / I Mary and John/parents等, 如:I have a pen第一篇:益智+搞笑儿童脑筋急转弯题目及答案-最新600题1、冬瓜、黄瓜、西瓜、南瓜都能吃,什么瓜不能吃?-答案:傻瓜2、盆里有6只馒头,6个小朋友每人分到1只,但

have B.has C.are ( B )7.It got big leaves.A. have B.has C.is ( A )8.Can he lunch now?A. have B.has C.is 关于have和has的练习其实也不是很难哦,不过上课的时候有的小朋首页发现业务合作创作者服务新闻中心关于我们社会责任加入我们中文Lina老师关注教你如何轻松掌握have和has用法每天学一个语法知识点,每天进步一点点🤏 #英语学习#英语

答案:working 解析:原文“We have all ___ (have) experiences where someone ___(work) in their job has lifted us up”中where someone ___(work) in their请将正确答案的序号填在(). ( A)1。Ibig eyes.A。have B.has C.am ( A)2.Theygot five trains.A。have B。has C.am ( B )3。Shegot a big bedroom。A. have B。has C.is (


标签: 小学have和has的用法题目



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