

she is造句简单一点 2023-09-28 20:50 737 墨鱼
she is造句简单一点


∪﹏∪ 词语it造句,用it造句:501 on this matter, we have a tacitunderstanding is good, why to puncture a fallacy with one remark? 502 the arrangements for him to fitin exIt is+adj+to do It is+adj(kind, wise, foolish, clever即可以指“事”也可以指“人”)+of+sb+to do It is+adj(easy, necessary, possible, safe, common, normal)+for+sb+to do

it是代词,它可以用来指人和物,也可以一个句子或者一个短语等。无论是在口语及书面语中,甚至是考试中都会用到或碰到它。下面我们对它的用法进行总结。1.it常指无生命的东西、动物、it is开头的句子的主语1.It is very kind of you to give me a hand in time 2.It is 9o'clock when I went home解析:1、It is 是形式主语,真正的主语是you 谓语

1.It happens that..意为“碰巧”It happened that he was out when I got there. 当我到那儿时,碰巧他不在。2.It seems that意为“似乎…”It seemed th1、Fireit. Burnit. 2、Rememberit. Savorit. 3、Butitwasn'tit. 4、We budgetit, saveit, wasteit, stealit, killit, cutit, account forit; 5、Knowit, owni

1、It was a happy day. 2、It is kind of you to help me . 3、It was lucy who finished the work 4、It is a small room. 5、It is on the bed, 6、It is a nice dress. 7、It i20.It doesn't make any difference …………没有差别21.It is just as well that …幸好/……还好eg: It's just as well that we didn't go out in this .我们下雨天没出去倒也


标签: it造句简单些短一点



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