
come from后面跟什么,come from是什么词性

comefrom怎么讲 2023-11-17 20:43 275 墨鱼

come from后面跟什么,come from是什么词性

1、comefrom,是一个动词短语,当作谓语。可翻译为“来自于;出生于;出身于;源于”。come from后面加名词或名词短语。如:Help may also come from some unexpected places.帮助be/ come back from shopping购物回来help out with a few things帮助做些事情any minute/ second/ moment now随时;马上pretty clean and tidy相当干净而整

come from后面加名词。come from:来自某处;出生于;出身于;from:prep.(表示起始点)从…起,始于;表示开始的时间)从…开始;表示由某人发出或给出)寄自,得自扩展Once lost, such a good chance will never come again.10、从他的表情看,他肯定撒了善意的谎言,指望由于上课迟到而得到原谅。judge) Judging from his look,

be from= come form 来自pen pal=pen friend 笔友l ike and dislike 好恶;爱憎。live in +地点在居住speak +语言讲某种语言play sports 做体育运..e 表示从远处走近,go表示从近处走远。Come here, please. 请到这边来。Don’t go there. 别去那边。come and加上另一个动词就相当于come加这个动词的不

36 be from = come from来自37 be full of 装满……的be filled with 充满eg: the glass is full of waterthe glass is filled with water 38 be glad+to+do首先,come from是一个被动语态,后面需要接宾语,宾语可以是一个地点,可以是一个国家,也可以是一个机构或者一个表示出处的名词,例如:He comes from China.他来自中国。His idea


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