

Everyone的造句 2023-10-11 05:33 389 墨鱼


1. He is all wet. 他完全搞错了。2. Don't go out, you'll get wet. 千万别出门,否则将会淋透。3. Wet weather is a feature of life here in June and July. 六月和七月1、swingingwetmasher 2、She waswet, however. 3、wetcured polyurethane paint 4、soaking; drippingwet 5、the dry [wet] monsoon 6、Warp and weftwetweta

wet造句1、She hung up her wet clothes in order to dry them out.她把她的湿衣服挂起来,以便晾干。2、So I took my umbrella, which I always do, wet or fine.所以,我带At the sight of you , I find that your clothes are wet,however ,your hair is dry,which makes me extremely confused.

单词wet 例句大全,用单词wet造句:I am gettingwet! 我正挨雨淋!wetketone accumulator. 湿酮收集器Because I am gettingwet. 因为我正挨雨淋。You are allwet, actuallywet 1.The crowds packed into the cinema on awetday. 一大群人在雨天挤进了电影院。2.Do towel the children down very thoroughly, they'rewetto the skin and might cat

用wet造句:She hung up her wet clothes in order to dry them out.她把她的湿衣服挂起来,以便晾干。©2022 Baidu |由百度智能云提供计算服务| 使用百度前必读| 文库协议wet英文造句The paper has wrinkled where it got wet. 这张纸湿的地方起皱褶了。You will get wet if you go out without an umbrella. 你出门不带伞会被淋湿的。dirty cold wet near的反义词


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