

kneel造句 2023-09-24 18:02 501 墨鱼


单词:startled 英式:ˈstɑːtld] 美式:ˈstɑːrtld] 单词解释英语中startled多种词性[动词],的用法及解释v.([动词]) 使惊吓使吓一跳使大吃一惊startle10. Be startled out of one's sleep. 从睡梦中惊起。11. He startled at the mere rustle of leaves in the wind. 他一有风吹草动就胆战心惊。12. He had a startled look

ˋ▂ˊ I was startled when the bill of fare was brought, for the prices were a great deal higher than I had anticipated. But she reassured me. 菜单送上来的时候我慌了,价It's difficult to seestartlein a sentence. 用startle造句挺难的The transition wasstartling. 这番变迁着实惊人。Shestartledand reddened . 她一惊,脸刷地红了。I hop

startled v. 震惊(startle的过去分词) adj. 受惊吓的参考例子1.His sudden entrystartledall of us. 他的突然进入震惊了我们。2.A sudden sound in the doorwaystartledhe1. He was startled when his nephew came in. 当他侄子走进来时,他吃了一惊。2. startle在线翻译2. You startled me when you shouted. 你叫喊的时候,吓了我一跳。不及物

9、Awakening a new dream,startled. 10、The ringstartledme from my brooding. 11、The bird gave astartledsquawk. 12、She looked at him withstartledeyestartled 英[ˈstɑːtəld] 考点解读托福雅思startled 常考释义adj. 受惊吓的v. startle的过去式和过去分词;受)惊吓单词详解英汉双解adj. 惊讶的;警

●0● startled英语造句,1、Madam Merle sometimes said things that startled her.梅尔夫人有时讲的话会使她大为惊愕。2、be startled but not show it单词startled 例句大全,用单词startled造句:I'm sorry,Istartledyou. 抱歉吓到你了。I'm sorry, Istartledyou. 抱歉吓到你了。Her huge coughstartledme. 她咳嗽的声音很


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