

petrol造句 2023-09-28 11:18 492 墨鱼


His strange behavior made the police suspicious. 他不寻常的举止引起了警察的怀疑。机器等的)运转状态,性能[U] 例句:The aircraft's behavior was satisfactory on it1. Her actions and thoughts became distorted. So did her behavior.她的行动和思想变得扭曲了,她的态度也是。2. Language is not art but both are forms of h

His behavior borders upon madness. 他的行为几乎算得上疯狂。My behavior is above reproach. 我的做法无可厚非。Her behavior was beyond reproach. 她的行为无可指责。She h24、Suchbehavioris an affront to society. 25、ABA essentially breaks downbehaviorpatterns in order to reward goodbehaviorand not reward badbehavior

behavior英语造句,1、His insolent speech and behavior upset everyone in the room.他粗野的言论和行为让房间内的每个人都很不高兴。2、Underneath moHe hasn't a leg to stand on for hisbehavior. 他的行为是完全没有道理的. 《简明英汉词典》Behaviorlike this will lead you into trouble. 这样的行为会给你惹麻烦的. 《

behavior [bi'heivjə] n.行为,举止,习性例句与用法:She embodies her principles in herbehavior. 她把自己的原则体现在行动中。Hisbehaviorshowed he was an evil perbehavior造句1. Good behavior is essential for success in any field of life. 2. The teacher praised the student's behavior in the classroom. 3. The company has a

the behavior的造句和例句:1. the behavior of these unbound electrons is critical . 这些自由的电子作用极为重要。2. the behavior of convective motion is not laminabehavior造句简单答案:Behavior refers to the actions or reactions of an individual or organism in response to external or internal stimuli. For exam


标签: eggplant造句



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