
用go away造句,用get on with造句

throw away造句简单 2023-09-30 21:24 392 墨鱼
throw away造句简单

用go away造句,用get on with造句

goaway造句子简单【一】1 . 只有意志够坚定,幸福就会来临。2 . 虽然我不能成为富人的后代,但是我可以成为亿万富翁的祖先!3 . 此情无计可消除,才下眉头,却上心头。4 . 不是因为身/病来如墙倒,病去如抽丝。Diseases come on horseback, but go away on foot.中文:病来如山倒,病去如抽丝。Misfortune come on horseback and go away on foot

?0? 造句如下:1、We've decided not to go away after all. 我们到底还是决定不离开。2、I could go away again with a clear conscience. 我可以问心无愧地再次离开。3、I th1、Or justgo away. 2、Mouse, mouse,go away. 3、Please don'tgo away! 4、Go away,go away; I must not let you in. 5、Cat: No,go away. Miaow. 6、Wait h

The smell still has notgone away. 气味尚未消失。He might havego awaywith it . 他本来可以赖掉的。Hewent awayeven as you came . 你一来他就走了。更多造句:123 如1."Go away! I don't want to talk to you right now."(走开!我现在不想跟你说话。2."Please go away and leave me alone."(请离开,让我独处一会儿。3."I wish my headac

\ _ / go off互换。例句:in order to save the pregnant woman, the police let the crowd go away quickly. (2013年6月四级) 为了挽救那个孕妇,警察让围观的群众类型英语造句1、To her annoyance the stranger did notgo away.(让她厌烦的是这个陌生人没有离开。2、We put the dog in kennels when wego away.(我们外出时把狗寄养在养

●0● go away造句1、Tell her to go away at once, Peter," the three cried simultaneously, but he refused.“彼得,叫她马上走开。”三个人同时叫道,但他拒绝了。2、A hernia 2、When mutable state goes away, almost all concurrency problemsgo away withit. 3、At every camp the kidsgo away withalbums packed with photographs


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