

如何连上外国网 2023-09-26 13:16 874 墨鱼


(-__-)b Jellyfin镜像教程镜像教程仅供参考,镜像由第三方开发并维护,极空间不负责因为操作不当、第三方软件bug或镜像更新从而导致的风险,包括但不限于以下风险:删改您极空间中存储的数据及文件、上传您的We main manufacturer and supplier of all the natural gemstones/jewelry and lab grown gemstones/jewelry,which was established in 2015. We focus on exporting moissa

Official BetaOpen Source Swiftfin is a modern video client for Jellyfin. Redesigned in Swift to maximize direct play with the power of VLC and look native on all 在Jellyfin官网去找客户端,发现iOS 系统下只有两个选择:Jellyfin 官方版本和成名已久的Infuse。两个客户端我都安装了,Jellyfin官方版本质上是网页套壳,最后还是浏览器在播放视频,

╯0╰ Jellyfin.Server Fix partial library and channel access 3年前MediaBrowser.Common Merge pull request #3984 from crobibero/json-prerelease 3年前MediaBrowser.ControFree Software Jellyfin is the volunteer-built media solution that putsyouin control of your media. Stream to any device from your own server, with no strings atta

˙0˙ ‪Jellyfin‬ Your media, on your terms. The Jellyfin project is an open source, free software media server. No fees, no tracking, no hidden agenda.Use this client with 官网链接: 与一些NAS系统自带的影视管理器相比Jellyfin更专业更高效,它不仅支持影视,还可以管理照片、文档等多种媒体类型。Jellyfin源自Emby的3.5.2版本并移植到.NET Core框架上,

项目地址:https://github/jellyfin/jellyfin 官网:https://jellyfin/ 优势:多平台支持,有安卓端app,可docker、win、mac、linux上搭建!先晒一下效果!搭建1、打开群晖的Do3.官网:https://jellyfin/ 四.elfilm(免费非开源) 1.免费;2.elfilm 是一个电影管理、播放工具。自动搜索本地、NAS 中的影片,并自动匹配相应的海报。自动匹配字幕。目前仅支


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