

prodce生育造句 2023-12-20 17:45 417 墨鱼


develop 显示所有例句v. 发展;壮大grow bigger/stronger 1. [i][t] (使)成长,发展,壮大to gradually grow or become bigger, more advanced, stronger, etc.; to make sth It's the kind of character that i am going to develop .今后,我要培养这种精神。It's difficult to find to develop in a sentence. 用to develop造句挺难的The large v

╯^╰ develop造句类型英语造句1、How fast would the diseasedevelop?(这种疾病发展有多快? 2、We need todevelop local industries.(我们需要发展地方工业。3、When the weathShe won a grant to develop her own business 她赢得了一笔拨款,用以扩展自己的企业。Entrepreneurs developed fashionable restaurants and bars in the area

(`▽′) 单词develop 例句大全,用单词develop造句:what we've been able todevelop. 我们的研究发展。Able todevelopinto kidney tissue. 肾发生的能发展为肾组织的todevelop/ acq1、Todevelopor cause todevelopcrevasses. 2、Idevelopfilms myself. 3、Exercisesdevelopmuscle. 4、Todevelopgradually. 5、developa powerful smash 6、Ax

He hoped their acquaintance would develop further. 他希望他们的交情会进一步发展。These clashes could develop into open warfare. 用develop造句We ndevelop的用法例句:1. She won a grant to develop her own business. 她赢得了一笔拨款,用以扩展自己的企业。2. You have to develop your capabilities to the maximum


标签: situation造句简单



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