

in language什么意思 2023-08-27 19:01 185 墨鱼
in language什么意思


手语Sign languageSign language (sign language) is to use gestures take rough action, according to the changes in simulated image of the gesture, or syllables to form a certain meanin1. 语言符号计算器语言符号,com ) symbolic machine language 符号机器语言)language sign语言符号) linguistic symbols 语言符号dictall|基于8个网页

sign language n. 1. A language that uses a system of manual, facial, and other body movements as the means of communication, especially among deaf people. 2. A me1. The study of sign language is thought to be ___. A. a new way to look at the learning of language B. a challenge to traditional, views on the nature of language C

famous sign language users Helen. Keller Helen Keller could not see or hear. She used her sense of touch to communicate. people could use their fingers to sign letters o×浏览器默认语言'中文(中国)' 。若更换语种可以点击'Select language' 选择语种。按字搜索欢迎光临多国手语通Spreadthesign 网站!在这里,我们汇集了世界各地不同手语的手势词句。

American Sign Language(ASL) is the primary language of Deaf people in Deaf communities and Deaf families across the United States and Canada. It's also a fast-growing. popular second[直译] 语言符号[详尽释义] 1. 语言符号2. 言语记号3. 语符LANGUAGE SIGN是什么意思?以上就是LANGUAGE SIGN的含义解释和发音。最近查询] CONFERENCE ON ARTIFICIAL INT

≥﹏≤ British Sign Language Dictionary 1 to 20 of 484 Signs A Address Aeroplane Afternoon Again Age Ages Agree Alligator America American Animal Apple Arch Argue Art Asleep Asthma Autumnsign language 读音汉语翻译手语英语解释:名词sign language: language expressed by visible hand gestures 同义词:signing 形容词sign language: used of the languag


标签: languageofcolors



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