

用light造句子简单 2023-12-24 10:36 392 墨鱼


实用场景例句全部重的沉重的大量的浓密的激烈的重型的重物笨重地My brother is much heavier than me. 我弟弟比我重得多。牛津词典She was struggling with ahea单词Heavy 例句大全,用单词Heavy造句:Aheavyblow a sharp thud. 猛击重打Aheavyclub; a cudgel. 粗重的棍棒。A sudden overflow of a stream resulting from aheavyrain o

>ω< 6. A heavy lorry floundered about in deep snow. 一辆重型卡车在厚厚的积雪中艰难地行进。7. A heavy lorry was floundering around in the thick mud at the entrance to1、I heard hisheavytread on the stairs.(我听到他在楼梯上的沉重脚步声。2、She spoke withheavyirony.(她的话充满了讽刺。3、heavyfighting has been going on.(激战

例句:I am used to heavy work. 我习惯于干重活儿。厚的例句:She was incessantly tossing her head to keep the dark heavy hair out of her gleaming bheavy造句1. The heavy rain caused flooding in the streets. 2. The weightlifter lifted the heavy barbell with ease. 3. The heavy workload caused the employee to f

╯0╰ 例句上一页1 2 3 4 5 6 7 下一页1. Keep a pair ofheavy, comfortable shoes or boots in your home, at work, and in your vehicle. 在住处、工作场所和汽车里放一双厚重heavy 的用法例句:1. I dont want any more of that heavy stuff. 我再也不想碰那种麻烦事了。2. The outside air was heavy and moist and sultry. 外面的空气沉滞、潮湿


标签: heavy和of造句



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