

用reads造句简单 2023-12-16 23:31 259 墨鱼


sound组词造句safe and sound造句sound out造句soundly asleep造句sounds great造句sound相关造句resound造句safe and sound造句sound out造句sound-effect造句soun- The vacation sounds good, but I"m not sure I have enough time off work. (这个假期听起来很不错,但我不确定我有足够的工作时间。总结起来,用“sound good”造句可以

6、That really sounds hilarious. 7、Added volume sliders for ambient sounds and footstep sounds. 8、Voiced sounds vibrate, whereas voiceless sounds用sound like造句1. You sound like you're really excited about the upcoming concert. 2. That new restaurant sounds like it has amazing food. 3. The wind outside s

答案解析结果1 举报Sound like you have a great time. 相信你只是来送财富值的,这你一定会做!视频讲解专业解析,一看就会结果2 举报Jack sounds like hi对于口语提升,希望大家在学习了一个短语或者习语之后,编造一个语境,用这个短语(习语)造句完成一次表达,每天给自己一点练习的时间,对口语提高是很有帮助的。2.The Sounds of Englis

╯0╰ 6、That reallysoundshilarious. 7、Added volume sliders for ambientsoundsand footstepsounds. 8、Voicedsoundsvibrate, whereas voicelesssoundsdo not v你把自己喜欢的东西像我这样列出来,用手写就行了,这思维导图没什么用的!我只是让你清晰点,不要

?0? It's difficult to find pet sounds in a sentence. 用pet sounds造句挺难的15 Big Ones sera le premier projet depuis Pet Sounds mené par Brian Wilson. Dès la fin de用the …sounds…造句the boy saies"l believe l can fly", it sounds good. That sounds (加adj)造句,肯、否、定句、一般疑问句肯:That sounds good.听起来


标签: thatsounds造句简短



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