

喜欢英语怎么写 2023-08-24 11:34 404 墨鱼


第二个缺陷是,一些店铺在互联网技术上沒有备案。一旦骗了,你能发觉,你早已无处可去埋怨。中考英语作文带翻译:网络购物(Shopping on the Internet),以供诸位学生们呢参照,在篇9:我最喜欢的季节英语作文带翻译Every time,when the sun shining brightly,I know summer is coming.Though it is very hot,I still prefer summer.In ho

My father likes fishing. I like swimming. I can have a good time in the water. 中文翻译:我想每个人都有一些不太喜欢的男孩在我的学校喜欢打篮球和足球一些女孩喜欢购物我妈妈it.Sometimes I can sit in the handcart before we buy things.It is interesting.2、我喜欢去超市,我可以在超市买很多东西。我可以买食物,点心,饮料,衣服,

初三购物英语作文带翻译篇1 On Sunday, my mother and I go to the supermarket shopping. We are going to buy some milk and stationery. Because milk is1帮我翻译一下(要英语)我们全家都有喜爱的季节。我的妈妈喜欢春天,因为她爱购物,春季服装很漂亮。我的爸爸喜欢秋季,因为他爱旅游,秋季是合适的旅游的季节。我喜欢冬季,因为

I like shopping, because it makes me feel funny! I like shopping with my mother, because my mother cDo you like shopping. 中文翻译:购物我非常喜欢购物,因为它能让我快乐和放松超市很大,有各种各样的东西我可以买我想买的东西我经常买一些垃圾食品虽然这对我的健康不利,但我非常喜

我喜欢购物的原因英语作文I like shopping very much.Shopping can bring me lots of peasure.When I went shopping ,I can see lots of new things and know what's going on in the world,esp我喜欢购物的英文是:I like shopping. 单纯的喜欢。后面可以加上喜欢的程度。I like shopping very


标签: 不喜欢购物的三个理由英语



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