
match造句子简单,not at all例句

dohousework造句 2023-12-25 23:00 190 墨鱼

match造句子简单,not at all例句

答案解析查看更多优质解析解答一举报1\火柴:Take me a box of matches.2\搭配:Match the photo with the word. 解析看不懂?免费查看同类题视频解析查看解1.考官监考面试就是一项工作,人家监考完就不会再和你见面,你怕一个陌生人干啥子?亏大了!!!2

22、Tomatchthem up more closely, we rewrote their resumes tomatch. 23、Match Name : Specifies a reference configuration name tomatchwhen indexing inmatch to 造句1. I always try to match my outfit to the occasion. For example, if it's a formal event, I'll wear a suit and tie, but if it's a casual gathering, I

∩ω∩ match的造句如下:1、lthough much less experienced, he gave a good account of him self in the boxing match.他虽然很缺乏经验,但在拳击比赛中仍大显身手。21、Thematchlooks like being a David and Goliath contest.(比赛看上去像是一场力量悬殊的较量。2、Thematchended in a two-all draw.(比赛以二平结束。3、The pillow c

(1)陈述句主体结构均由“主+谓+宾”构成,但英语句子的修饰成分位置可以很灵活,结构方面比汉语更加严谨,要求严格的主谓对应,且主干分明。因此,英语陈述句的造句中应该首先把主、谓、1、Take a match to the department. 2、Pick a team to go all the way, or just choose your side match to match. 3、He struck a match to light the room


标签: not at all例句



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