

你当时准备去哪儿英语翻译 2023-10-01 15:59 965 墨鱼


但是签证官都没有看,只看了我的护照了,问了简单的问题就通过了。问题包括去美国干什么,简单回答当然是旅行,不要太多话,多说多错。签证官会问你会不会英语,不会【解析】答案:When are you going to go on a解析核心短语/句式:打算做:be going to do去旅行:go on a trip本句是一个问时间的特殊疑问句,用when提问根据句意“打算做某事”,

打算去旅行,Going to travel,重点词汇打算plan; intend; think; mean; contemplation 去旅行go on a journey; went on a journey; go to travel 你打算去旅行吗?你怎么安排这个暑假呢?B:I want to travel. 我想去旅行。A:Where would you like to go? 你打算去哪儿?B:The seaside. 去海边。A:That's really a good idea. Taking a w

谁和你一起去旅行Who will travel with you 相关英语短语我打算去三亚旅游I\'m going to travel to Sanya 我打算去重庆旅游I\'m going to visit ChongqiDo you plan to travel during the summer vacation?满意请采纳,谢谢

英国大多数大型机场都有24小时营业的银行或外币兑换所(Bureau de change)可以将你的外币或外币旅行支票兑换成英镑。如果你要去的是苏格兰,那么你抵达的机场可所以,你喜欢……Ø Travel to foreign country or in your own country? Ø 去外国旅行还是在自己的国家?Ø Hang out with friends or family? Ø 和朋友或家人出去玩?Ø Lazy

journey主要指单程较远距离的海、陆、空“旅行”,表示“去旅行”时,英语该说goon a journey,而不说go to a journey. Mr. Smith made a journey from Paris to New York.史密斯先生作去旅游前,需要做什么事,用英语回答1.Go and get some tourist brochures2.Buy some essential commodity3.Get your passport4.Ask for a vacation5.Decide means of transportation6.


标签: 我打算在海里游泳英语



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