
service sb sth,serve with sth

sb. 2023-12-22 11:32 785 墨鱼

service sb sth,serve with sth

serve sb with sth例句1. The waiter served us with a delicious meal and excellent service. 2. The bartender served me with a refreshing drink after a long day at serve sth. to sb. =serve sb. (with)sth. 用某物接待某人service n. 服务servant n. 仆人知识点定向练习1. the waiter(服务员)served a glass of orange

4S店全称为汽车销售服务4S店(Automobile Sales Servicshop 4S),是一种集整车销售(Sale)、零配件(Sparepart)、售后服务(Service)、信息反馈(Survey)四位一体的汽车销售企业。也就是serve sb with sth和sever sth to sb的意思是一样的。释义:serve sb with sth = serve sth to sb 用款待/招待含义相同,语法存在差异:一、serve sb w

sb sth───某人某物bring sth to sb───给某人带某物ow sth to sb───把某物送给某人reply to sb sth───答复某人某事owe sth to sb───把…归功于某人;欠某人赞成;口头上承认place at sb.'s service■听任某人使用present one's service to■向致敬;对(某人)作正式访问pay one's service to■向致敬;对(某人)作正式访问pres

3. 为…服务2012高考英语考前知识点串1 serve as…担任,充当…serve sb/sth:为…服务,端(饭、菜) at the mercy of: 任由…摆…gkstk|基于4个网页更多释义<5>warn againstadvise sb. not to do sth. because it may have dangerous orunpleasant results |告诫;劝告(某人)防备But at the same time the president

serve sb with sth和sever sth to sb的意思是一样的。释义:serve sb with sth = serve sth to sb 用款待/招待释·疑难serve的用法serve是及物动词,意为“服务,提供”,可直接跟名词或代词作宾语。常用短语serve sb./sth.with sth.给某人/某物提供某物serve sb.sth.=serve sth.to sb.ser


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