
Be attached to,attached用法

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Be attached to,attached用法

访问沪江小D查看be attached to的更多详细解释> 参考例句Attach To连接到As Attachment作为附件Attachment: The act of attaching or the condition of being connecting rod is attached to the piston by the piston pin . 连杆与活塞的连接是采用活塞销。8.You will be attached to this department until t

6. be agreeable to 同意、可以接受7. be alert to 意识到8. be applicable to 适用9. be attached to 依恋10 be beneficial to 有益11. be blind to 视attached to的意思是:附属于,喜爱;爱慕attach 读法英[ə'tætʃ] 美[ə'tætʃ]1、作及物动词的意思是:使依附;贴上;系上;

∩△∩ 1. attach to的被动语态attach to的被动语态是be attached to。例如:The invoice is attached to the package.(发票附在包裹里。The photo was attached to the email.( attached to的用法和样例:例句He used to like the blues very much. 他过去非常喜爱布鲁斯乐曲。She liked to work around her own home. 她喜爱在她自己家的附近工作

be attached to somebody/something•Regularbabysitters can become deeplyattachedto the children they takecareof.•Thehookis attached toaconventionalrig, or a bolt-rig, of which more l1、be attached to every tree and bush in hometown依恋故乡的一草一木2、Designed to be attached to a wall设计成挂墙上的3、At least one label be attached to each p


标签: attached用法



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