
shout out造句,short造句

complain about造句 2023-11-04 14:42 485 墨鱼
complain about造句

shout out造句,short造句

单词shout out 例句大全,用单词shout out造句:Lily point at meshout out. 莉莉指着我大叫。Certainly, I'll shout it out. 当然可以,我会把那站报出来的。A shout arose 是你的脑神经根本反应不过来,信不信母语4倍速你也照样听得清。

5、Toshout out(words or phrases. 6、I want toshout out, Is that a miracle! 7、And under a few stars Ishout out. 8、This is ashout outor is it? 9、Inshout out英语造句,1、When I call your name, shout out so that we know you're here.当我叫到你的名字时请大声响应,以便大家知道你来了。2、Don't yel

‘Creative’模式:“The authors extend their heartfelt appreciation to the brilliant minds at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the United StaDid youshout outin anger, in fear for your neighbor 直至遮住那湛蓝的天空,你有否大声惊呼,有否担心你的邻居I just wanted to give god a bigshout outfor this amazing

10. “I shouted ‘surprise!’when I jumped out from behind the couch.”-这句话意思是“当我从沙发后面跳出来的时候,我大喊‘惊喜!’”这里的shout表达的是制造惊喜和8. During a power outage, I got stuck in an elevator and couldn't get out. I shouted for help, hoping someone would hear me and call the emergency services. 9. Wh

However, only a few were brave enough to shout out her name. 然而只有少数人有勇气喊出她的名字。article.yeeyan Don't shout out your answer so is the argument Shout out 关于英语词性的用法名词[Noun(n.)];表示人或事物的名称。代词[Pronoun(pron.)];用来代替名词,形容词或数词等。数词[Numeral(num.)];表示数量或


标签: short造句



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