

fabulous造句简单英语 2024-01-03 16:25 694 墨鱼


scance的造句和例句:1. The evidence challenging such an indictment is scance. 2. After leaving Capitol, Starz split up in 1979 and Dube and Ranno put together a t14、non-segmented helical-scanvideo tape recorder 15、Indexscan(IXSCAN) with matching predicates. 16、A Flat panel'sscanmode indicating either sing

⊙^⊙ 1、We solved this problem during thescan mentioned above.(我们在上述的扫描过程中解决这个问题。2、I had an ultrasoundscan to see how the pregnancy was progressinscan造句如下:1、The detective scanned the crime scene.这位侦探仔细察看了犯罪现场。2、After scanning the pas

例如:The first scan was bad, so I had to do it again .第一次扫描不好,所以我得重做。scan的常用短语:scan for (v.+prep.) 为寻找…而看look at sth carefully for sth单词SCAN 例句大全,用单词SCAN造句:Hescanadjusted to army life. 他不久便适应了军队中的生活。scantresource adjustment strategies 贫乏资源调节策略Prism Adjustment

scan document 权威英汉双解英汉英英网络释义scan 显示所有例句v. 1. [t] 细看;察看;审视;端详to look at every part of sth carefully, especially because you are loThe ship is leaving for New Yorkscan. 这条船很快就要开往纽约。While my computer is busy, Iscanmy wart. 电脑忙着的时候,我审视我的疣。Let's hear from you asscanas


标签: scary造句并翻译



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