
makesbdoingsth造句,have sb doing造句

allowsbtodosth造句简单 2023-08-30 11:28 569 墨鱼

makesbdoingsth造句,have sb doing造句

make sb do sth造句1.The teacher made the students do their homework before the class. 2.The coach made the athletes do more exercises to improve their performancmake sb do sth造句The story makes us laugh.这个故事使我们发笑。Her mother makes her child cry.她的妈妈使她的孩子哭了。The boss made the workers do the work all

It is no use/good/pleasure doing sth. 这个是it做形式主语,而真正的主语是doing sth. doing做真正主语的句型比较少,上面三种是最为常见的。表示“做没有用/好处/乐趣”第三类应该是make sb do sth。因为make是使役动词,后面接sb,再接动词时,需要用动词原形做宾语补足语。make sb do:让某人做某事。分析:这是一个动词短语。make (动

18. feel like doing sth 想要做某事I feel like eating bananas. 我想要吃香蕉。19. would like to do sth 想要做某事Would you like to go rowing with me? 你想要和我一起去15、Whenthere’snoexpectation,losingwon’tbringhurt,gainingmakesyousurprised. 不去期望。失去不会伤心,得到便是惊喜。16、Sometimesyourplansdon’tworkoutbecauseGodhasbett

Make sb suddenly stop doing sth, esp sth illegal, eg by informing the authorities使某人立即停止干某事(如向当局告发,尤指停止其非法勾当)Make an active makesb加介词短语造句【一】1 . 如果这个句子包含连接字符串,那么它在属性文件中不会被标记为单个词语。2 . 今天早上,我们有一个愉快的旅行,它让我感到很欢

ˋ﹏ˊ makesbdoing的用法make作为使役动词,没有make sb. doing的用法。make sb. do sth.使/让/叫某人做某事。在主动语态里,使用省略to的动词不定式作宾语补足语。但是在被动结构中10. dream about/of doing梦见做某事11. all over China全中国12. try western food品尝西餐13. give concernt举办音乐会14. sell out卖光15. pick upsb/


标签: have sb doing造句



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