

带monster的歌曲 2023-09-27 10:42 942 墨鱼


歌词I am not afraid of the monster under my bed 我才不惧怕藏身于我床下的怪兽They won't tell if I got the one big feast in my head 它们一直都想知道能否进入我的大脑大One little monster jumping on the bed. 一个小怪物在床上跳。She fell off and bumped her head. 她掉下来撞到了她的头。Mummy called the doctor and the doctor said, 妈妈打

今天我们跟着儿歌一起战胜内心的恐惧,做勇敢可爱的小小少年吧!《No monsters song》Hey,You!Boo! 嘿,你!嘘!Did you hear that sound? 你听见那声音了吗?Is it a monster t歌手:多纳英文儿歌Monster - 多纳儿歌These are monster's eyes This is monster's nose This is monster's big head Round and round it goes These are monster's ears This is monster's mou

●▂● monster歌词I see your monsters I see your pain 我明白你的恐惧和痛苦Tell me your problems I'll chase them away 让我分担你的忧虑我会帮你解决的I'll be your lightho首页社区精选业务合作视频上传创作者服务新闻中心关于我们社会责任加入我们中文磨耳朵儿歌|Love Monster 小怪兽阿蒙#英语启蒙儿歌#磨耳朵#英语启蒙#儿歌#小怪兽#

One little monster jumping on the bedHe fell off and bumped his headMomma called the doctor and the doctor saidNo more monster jumping on the bed Knock Knock,Trick or treat,Who are you?I'm a monster. I'm a little monster.Knock Knock,Trick or treat,Who are you?I'm a ballerina. A little ballerina.Kn

1、Monsters 怪兽-Katie Sky演唱I see your monsters I see your pain我明白你的恐惧和痛苦Tell me your problems Ill chase them away让我分担你的忧虑我会monster歌词IseeyourmonstersIseeyourpain我明白你的恐惧和痛苦TellmeyourproblemsI'llchasethemaway让我分担你的忧虑我会帮你解决的I'llbeyourlighthouse我会是你的灯塔I'llmakeit


标签: Monster歌曲



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