
a lots of造句简单,behind造句并翻译

house造句并翻译 2023-09-24 16:51 610 墨鱼

a lots of造句简单,behind造句并翻译

ˋωˊ 单词lots of 例句大全,用单词lots of造句:right.right,uh,lots ofle. 是啊是啊爱意浓浓He always boasts of his ability to makelots ofmoney. 他老吹他赚钱的本领。in 答案解析查看更多优质解析解答一举报I have lots of stamps. 解析看不懂?免费查看同类题视频解析查看解答相似问题用lots of造句用lots of造句5个可数

a lot of的造句:1. I got quite a lot of ribbing from my team-mates. 队友们经常开我的玩笑。2. I get very nervous because I'm using a lot of expensive equipment用a lot of造句如何造?最新用a lot of造句如何造?有学友想知道用a lot of造句如何造?造句大全网:a lot of造句如下:There ar。

↓。υ。↓ 1、A lot of wimps spenda lot ofmoney. 2、That'sa lot ofproblemsa lot ofpeople experiencing! 3、Providea lot offoreplay. 4、talka lot ofnonsense 5、29、A You can chooselots ofdifferent kinds of tea. There's jasmine, chrysanthemum,lots offlavours. 30、And there are lots andlots ofcases where one

lots of造句1、Lots of women wear black as a solution. What do you think of that?很多女人把穿黑色当成解决办法,你是怎么看的呢?2、It found lots of different pieces,a lot of造句简单小学1、Igotquitealotofribbingfrommyteam-mates. 2、没有这种说法吧,一般表示“很多,多”的固定短语是:alotof或者:lotsof例句如下:3、aloto

a lot (of)造句复制1、I've got a lot of homework tonight.(我今晚有很多家庭作业要做。hAo86 2、A lot of work is still outstanding.(许多工作尚未完成。3、Therlots of造句如下:1、There is a lot of flu going round at the moment.现在流感传染很广。2、There are lots of pear trees near the house.屋子近旁种着许多梨


标签: behind造句并翻译



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