
fend for oneself,poverty

acquire 2023-09-30 15:38 669 墨鱼

fend for oneself,poverty

fend for oneself 自食其力fend off an attack 避开攻击defend v. 防守,防御,辩护defend sb from harm 保护某人不受伤害defendant n. 被告defensive adj. 防御性offefend for oneself基本解释照料自己;自力谋生;fend for oneself相关例句ph. 1. 1. You have to learn tofendforyourself. 你得学会自我料理。fend for oneself网络解释1

4. fend-: "fend-"表示"防御、保护",常见于"fend off"(挡开、避开)、fend for oneself"(自力更生)等相关的词语中。5. -fensive: "-fensive"表示"攻击性的、冒犯的",常见于"英[fend fɔː wʌn'self]美[fend fɔːr wʌn'self] v.照料自己fend for oneself的用法和样例:例句用作动词(v.) I'm quite used to fending for myself. 我很习惯于自己

+▂+ 英语音标分为英式音标(DJ音标)和美式音标(K.K.音标)两种;音标是记录音素的标写符号,以标注单词读音;以下fend for oneself的英式及美式音标标注希望能帮助到您fend for oneself 美英un.靠自己觅食;照料自己;自个儿躲着;独自谋生英汉un. 1. 靠自己觅食;照料自己2. 自个儿躲着3. 独自谋生例句

fend for yourself 照顾自己;自谋生计Now that the children are old enough to fend for themselves, we can go away on holiday by ourselves. 既然孩子们已长大能照顾自己了,用作动词(v.) I'm quite used to fending for myself. 我很习惯于自己照料自己。The patient is able to look out for himself. 病人现在能自己照料自己了。权威例句Who L


标签: poverty



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