
a和an的训练题及答案,a an the用法总结

a和an和the的短语训练题 2023-11-30 19:35 986 墨鱼

a和an的训练题及答案,a an the用法总结

a和an的练习题一、选择a或an或者不填penbagapple big applebananaorange oranges orange penhour house umbrella university 用a/an填空:①Is it Chinese book or English不定冠词a和an的练习一、用a或者an填空1.There isaboy in blue. 2.Apanda is an animal. 3.There isanorange on the tree. 4.There isan“s”in“stand”. 5.There are six

微信公众平台,给个人、企业和组织提供业务服务与用户管理能力的全新服务平台。在元音前面要用an,其余的前面要用a. 元音字母:a,e,i,o,u 定冠词练习之不定冠词(a/an)练习一、请在横线上填上a或an: 1.___dog 2.___dictionary 3.___student 4.___ egg 5.___

˙0˙ a,an 规律及练习题目、答案a,an练习题26个英文字母及发音音标如下:a [eɪ] b [bі:] c [sі:] d [dі:] e [і:] f [ef] g [d3і:] h [eɪt∫] i [aɪ] j [d3eɪ] k [keɪ] 答案:(d) A orange cat walked into the room. 总结在学习使用不定冠词"a"和"an"时,最好的方法是通过练习来确保自己对此有充分的了解。这些训练题可以帮助七年级学生更好地

∩﹏∩ (完整版)一般现在时练习训练题及答案一、单选题1.___ 11-year-old boy, Liangliang, ___ the river every school day. A.A; crossesB.An; acrossC.An; crosses 2.Our Maths teacher Mr Yan with1.Lisa’s shoes are yellow.(对画线部分提问)are Lisa’s shoes?2.The white pants are 88yuan.(对画线部分提问)are the white pants?3.This sweater is Lucy’s.


标签: a an the用法总结



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