
we are造句10个,we开头的英文短句

用are造句简单 2023-09-28 16:15 207 墨鱼

we are造句10个,we开头的英文短句

We arenowliving in a beautiful new house in the country. 我们现在住在乡间的一栋漂亮的新住宅里。Letters will cost a little more, but they willcertainlytravel fasterwe造句,加油We are happy. 我们很开心。We get to school at 8:00. 我们8:00到达学校。We can help you. 我们会帮你。追问谢谢那这些呢帮忙谢谢,拜托啦追答You are clever

≥﹏≤ There are other factors over and above those we have discussed.除了我们所讨论的之外,还有其他因素。There are10. We are attending a concert tonight. 造句简单句子【简单】造句1、这次考试很简单,可是由于我的粗心,只考了95。2、做好事情要从最简单的方法入手。3、老师出的题好

先看一个句子:If we are given more time,we will do it well.(简单的条件状语从句) 由于从句和主句的主语相同,所以我们可以省略从句的主语,那么从句的谓语动词就变成非谓语动词,就1、We are whatwethinkweare. 2、Whenwelose,weknowwehave. 3、Our Motto:wesport,weplay,wecare,weshare. 4、We wishweknow more. 5、We believewecan fly! 6

we are +名词复数,We are students.we are +形容词,We are so lucky. 分析总结。扫码下载作业帮拍照答疑一拍即得答案解析查看更多优质解析举报weare结果一题目用we are怎We are good friends.翻译:我们是好朋友。We are eating dinner now.翻译:我们现在正在吃晚饭。We are children.翻译:我们是孩子。We are all kind to you.翻


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