
用stick to造句简单,passengers造句

pollution造句 2023-12-04 14:30 894 墨鱼

用stick to造句简单,passengers造句

stick to doing,坚持做某事,to是作为介词,动词+介词to+动名词,后面跟名词或者动名词。stick to意思是紧随;紧跟;呆在…近旁;坚持不变;遵守,坚持(诺言、协议、决定、原则等);遵1.Dust could stick to the clothing easily。灰尘很容易附着在衣服上。2.Stick to me,or you'll get lost。

stick to例句We must stick to our story about the accident.对事故的说法我们必须⼀⼝咬定,再不改⼝。Stick to your principles and tell him you won't do it.要恪守⾃一、stick to sth,意为“坚持”,指不怕困难,继续作某事等,如:The totally unacceptable thing is to stick to a diet when you try to lose weight.当你试图减肥时,完全不能接

Stick to a homework schedule. 严格遵守家庭作业计划。Stick to the sauna in finland. 在芬兰,要坚持桑拿浴。Pick a system and stick to it. 选一个系统并坚持用它。People wstick to造句61、Tired, stop a stop, let handsstick tothe hands, warm and cold years, bitter, smile, let the heartstick toheart, taste the love of th

stick to造句复制1、Teenagers should experience more andstick tothe useful activities.(青少年应该体验更多有益的活动并坚持下去。2、Though there was only a slim stick to doing,坚持做某事,to是作为介词,动词+介词to+动名词,后面跟名词或者动名词。stick to意思是紧随;紧跟;呆在…近旁;坚持不变;遵守,坚持(诺言、协议、决定、原则等);遵循(规


标签: passengers造句



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