

tension造句简单 2023-12-11 13:29 728 墨鱼


单词struggle 例句大全,用单词struggle造句:Gerald and Gudrun, who are involved in astrugglefor supremacy by the abuse of will. 而杰拉德和戈珍则滥用意志,为争夺控制9、A strong man willstruggle withthe storms of fate. 10、Prosperity or adversity, life is an endless struggle against all kinds of difficulties, astr

1、Theystruggle for"Life"! 2、agelongstruggle forfreedom. 3、man's agelongstruggle forfreedom 4、struggle forpower and wealth 5、Astruggle forsurvivstruggle造句复制1、How did she manage tostrugglefree ?(她是如何设法逃脱的? 2、This age-oldstrugglefor control had led to untold bloody wars.(这种由来已久的对控

1、struggledesperatel 2、Every classstruggleis a politicalstruggle. 3、Success throughstruggle 4、Theystrugglefor "Life"! 5、Westruggletogether. 6、1, struggle v. 挣扎,努力,奋斗struggle to do sth She struggled to control her temper.她努力控制住她的脾气。He struggled to break free.他挣扎着力图摆脱。Many family st

⊙^⊙ ▼struggle的常用短语struggle against (v.+prep.) struggle along1 (v.+adv.) struggle along2 (v.+prep.) struggle for (v.+prep.) struggle in (v.+prep.) struggle on (1.He struggled to control his temper.他努力控制住自己的脾气.2.They should therefore unite to struggle together.因此,他们要联合起来,共同努力奋斗.3.He gav

?0? 3.He gave up the struggle in despair.他绝望地放弃了斗争。4.He came off very well in the struggle造句1、On theStrugglebetween the Monarchy and Parliament in Early Stuart 斯图亚特王朝早期议会与王权的斗争2、Thestruggleof the weak against their oppress


标签: struggle的固定搭配短语



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