

与同学分享的英文 2023-06-13 22:31 626 墨鱼


∩▂∩ she) kind of like to look after my baby dog when I go out for my vacation. If there does be someone, please, let me know you, you really really give me 关于志愿者的英文作文初二,题目是照顾生病的孩子I am Li Hua, came to the school in the past three months, not only learned a huge scientific and cultural knowledge that I broadened my

My dream of vacation is comming so close, but it makes me so boring that I cannot bring my is basketball.i often play basketball with my classmates after school and play with my friends on weekends.i like playing basketball because it can make

╯^╰〉 关于”看望生病的孩子“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Visiting sick children。以下是关于看望生病的孩子的中考英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。高分英beike.dangzhi|基于2个网页例句释义:全部,看望生病住院的孩子更多例句筛选1. VisitSickChildrenintheHospital 看望生病住院的孩子wenku.baidu

母亲整夜照顾生病的孩子.用英语怎么说?The mother kept a watch over the sick child all night. 母亲整夜照顾生病的孩子. themotherkeptwatchoversickchildallnightThis is the nurse who attended to me when I was ill in hospital.这位就是在我生病住院时照顾我的护士。注释:1. attend to后接某事,意为“处理,料理”;后接某人,尤其是受伤的人


标签: 照顾小孩用英语怎么说



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