
by default

by default 中文 2023-09-28 14:00 590 墨鱼
by default 中文

by default

by default发音意思翻译缺席;不到场;默认情况下缺席,不到场;默认情况下相似词语短语to default───违约default───n.违约,拖欠;系统默认值;常规做法;缺席;v.不今天在阅读和研究法律法规文献中,整理出了一些新的法律英语词汇。1. by default 默认例如:Where this has not been specifically agreed in the employment contract, the employ

"by default"是一个常用的短语,表示在没有特别指定的情况下,使用默认设置或默认选项。这个短语通常用于描述计算机程序、软件、操作系统等的行为。3. 解释"by default"可以by default 美英网络默认;缺席;预设英英网络释义na. 1. ifsomethinghappensbydefault,ithappensonlybecausesomeonedoesnotdosomethingelse 2. ifyouwinagameorcompetiti

(*?↓˙*) By defaultpermissions are inherited from the parent tab or page. 默认设置是继承父栏目或菜单. 互联网7、By defaulta connection is created in stopped mode. 缺Mother was much perturbed by my absence. 母亲因为我的缺席而甚感不安。A personal appearance is an appearance by a person in the flesh. 亲自到场是指一个人本人实际

?ω? Since we have only one mapping, it is selected by default. 由於我們衹有一個映射,所以它是缺省選中的。By default I have 30 seconds to do something with the messageby defaultphr. 因对方缺席,在对方缺席的情况下,默认地in default不履行责任,失职,玩忽职守default onv. 1.拖欠…2.未出席…default route缺省路由,用来指引数据包发送到网络中,而不用明确地


标签: english by default



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