
featured by用法,featured

feature的用法及短语句子 2024-01-08 23:53 955 墨鱼

featured by用法,featured

and和or的用法:1、and和or的用法并列结构中,or通常用于否定句,and用于肯定句。但有时and 也可用于否定句。2、在否定中并列结构用or 连接,但含有两个否定词的句子实际被看作是肯feature的用法总结名词feature的意思是特色特征也可以指面孔的某个部分如眼鼻眉等复数形式features常指容貌feature的用法总结名词feature的意思是“特色,特征”,也可以指面

∪△∪ The tractors are featured by compact construction, convenient operation, high maneuverability and low fuel consumption.这些拖拉机均具有结构紧凑,操纵简便,转向灵活,二、Be Featured By 的常见用法1. 被某媒体报道当某个品牌、产品、服务等受到媒体报道时,可以使用Be Featured By 来表达这种情况。这种报道可以是新闻、评论、专访等形式

●▂● ※The price of Brent crude plunged by 24%, to $34 a barrel, on March9th—its steepest one-day drop in nearly 30 years. 3月9日布伦特原油价格暴跌24%至每桶34美元,这是近30变形:过去式:featured; 现在分词:featuring; 过去分词:featured; feature用法feature可以用作动词名词feature的意思是“特色,特征”,转化为动词作“以…为

按系表结构理解,by 介词短语作形容词featured 的补足语;或者把整个featured by high stability 看作表研究对象+ 趋势v. + by幅度+ 时间※The price of Brent crude plunged by 24%, to $34 a barrel, on March 9th—its steepest one-day drop in nearly 30 years. 3月9日布伦特原

网络释义1. 以……特色沪江博客- 马东红的博客- on spiritual level: 从精神层面featured by:以……特色join force: 会师blog.hjenglish|基于1 个网页the troubles of Italy were in some measure abated;


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