
what's the matter怎么读,the matter怎么读英语

Whatisthematter怎么读 2023-01-05 08:33 779 墨鱼

what's the matter怎么读,the matter怎么读英语

T: What’s the matter? 媒体回答:I’m hungry. ①教学matter 出示单词卡片。利用字母a 的读音进行音标拼读。领读,小组读,点名读。②教学What’s the matter? 领读,小matter 怎么读读音:英[mt(r)] 美[mtr] 名词:课题;事情;问题;事态;当前的状况;询问某人的情况)怎么了动词:事关紧要;要紧;有重大影响第三人称单数:matters 复数:matters 现在分

The heart of what's the matter. The semantics of illness in Iran. What's the Matter with the Internet? WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH KANSAS? What's the Matter with Tie-B原来如此yuán lái rú cǐ So thatiswhat[how] itis.;I see.; It explainsthematter.;So that's how 无论wú lùn nomatterwhat,soever, whether 无论何事wú lùn hé sh

●▽● 翻译: What's the matter, Irving?。来源:现代英语词典3.这是怎么一回事例句:You're mine tonight no matter what! 翻译:You're mine tonight no matter what!。来源:中小学生记忆法单词:What's the matter音标:hwɔts ði 'mætə] 读音What's the matter的发音:单词解释怎么啦?与What's the matter 相关的例句What’sthematter? 怎么啦?


标签: the matter怎么读英语



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