
look up怎么造句,look up to造句

letter怎么造句 2023-09-19 16:11 667 墨鱼

look up怎么造句,look up to造句

look up 造句1、First, be sure to look up from your text or notes.(首先,一定要从你的课本或笔记中查找。2、I look up the night sky.(我仰望夜空。3、They said pelook up 仰望;查阅;尊敬;拜访Look up an old friend.拜访一个老朋友When he looked up, he saw the boss.他抬起头时看到了老板。The national economy is beg

look up to的造句和例句:1. She has always looked up to her father .她一向崇敬父亲。2. All looked up to them .大家都另眼看待他们。内有更多更详细关于look up to的造句1.向上看;抬头看Don't look up.不要向上看。2.生意、某人的情况等好转;改善Business is looking up.商业日趋繁荣。3.拜访(某人)Next time you are in Beijing

用look up 造句答案PHRASAL VERB(在参考书、列表等中)查检(事实或信息) If you look up a fact or a piece of information,you find it out by looking in something such Look up there.别看我,看前面Please look up a fast train to Leeds.请查一下去利兹的快车。I look up in the sky, it's my clouds.我抬头看天,那依旧是我的云。Let me lo

I looked up and found a bird in the sky.我抬起头看到了天空中有一只小鸟.点赞数:0 评论数:0 相关问题look up 造句点赞数:0 回答数:1 用look的短语造句look to loo用look up造句1、I looked your address up in the personnel file . 我在人事档案里找到了你的地址。2、I'll try to look him up, ask him a few questions . 我会设法登

1、Look straight,look up, look down, and blink your eyes. 2、Don'tlook upthe dictionary. 3、Ilook upat you. 4、look upand down; size up 5、Let'slook用look up造句1、这个男孩讨厌别人叫他的绰号。2、Helookedupatthemwithgreatchivalry. 3、让我先接个电话。4、他被那些人尊敬5、下次当你抬头仰望天空,看


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