

conpitalized造句 2023-09-28 14:16 567 墨鱼


I get homesick when I travel for more than 2 weeks. 我旅行超过2个星期就会想家。He felt homesick, but made a brave attempt to appear cheerful. 他很想家,但却竭力表homesick (adj.) 1798, back-formation fromhomesickness. 双语例句1. She'sfeeling a littlehomesick. 她有点想家。来自柯林斯例句2. I felthomesickfor Scotland. 我思

21、The farther away from home, the morehomesickand never felt at home. Only when you leave home can you experience this engraved yearning. 22、As Now I know where to go when I feel homesick. 现在我知道想家的时候该去哪儿了。The students began to feel homesick after they had been here for a month. 到了这里一

homesick英语造句,1、Wang Wen gets homesick on Mid-Autumn Festival.每逢中秋节,王文就会想家。2、It makes me homesick to look at it.瞧着homesick造句复制1、A: Maybe I am justhomesick.(可能是我想家吧。2、After the meal, they felt rusty, and stiff-jointed, and a littlehomesickonce more.(饭后,他们

you're feeling homesick.It's hard to shake the feeling of homesickness when you're living alone.这些句子都使用了"being homesick" 和"living alone" 这两home run 棒球全垒打homesick思乡、想家hometown 家乡2 . 想家as long as4. 苏珊以为自己会很快适应那儿的生活,可后来发现事情没那么容易,于是她开始想家(


标签: house简单造句



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